| SEC Emergency Action Halts ICO Scam
Source: | SEC Emergency Action Halts ICO Scam
Source: | SEC Emergency Action Halts ICO Scam
Source: Analyzing Cybersecurity's Fractured Educational ...
Source: How Facebook and Twitter Quietly Helped Trump Win | Vanity Fair
Source: Brian Kuhn, IBM Watson Legal: AI and Blockchain Will Converge – Artificial Lawyer
Source: MasterCard Announces That Payments Can Now be Made on Blockchain
Source: Smart Contracts: Privacy vs Confidentiality – Hacker Noon
Source: Google introduces Advanced Protection cybersecurity program
Source: Financial institutions launch their own cyber range to train defenders, test tools
Intel today published a new report on artificial intelligence and public policy that includes specific recommendations on privacy and security: "Where the data used for AI originates from identifiable individuals, appropriate protections should be implemented to ensure that data is deidentified, lawfully accessed, processed, and kept safe. Robust privacy regulatory frameworks for the protection of
A somewhat dense, but very useful, analysis of cryptocurrencies and their potential to serve the same economic function as fiat. Source: The Power of Money - A Case for Bitcoin | Cryptocurrency | Banknote